Monday, January 2, 2012

Save room for your money, honey.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I want to start by saying THANKS for hanging with me and my blog for a year. I hope that your holiday season was as restful, as peaceful, as loving, as everything as you needed and wanted it to be. I know mine was. I trust that you are thankful for another day and another opportunity at happiness that everyone doesn't get. Now that parties are over, confetti has been swept up and the music has been turned down it's time to get back to business. I've never been one for making resolutions. If I want to change, I don't want for a designated time of the year to do so. My biggest challenge has been saving money. I know I need to do it, and I know the importance of it I just don't do it as well as I know I can. I have gotten better though. I switched banks and got a better savings plan. We're all tired of singing the "I'm SO broke" song. So here's what we can do. Financial plan 2012: 52 week challenge. Save a dollar for every corresponding week. 1st week=$1, 2nd week=$2, etc. Put it into a ING account at a .85% interest rate. Or whatever savings account of your choosing. (Even a shoe box on top of the fridge Redman style will do, lol) If weekly isn't feasible, try bi-weekly or monthly payments to yourself. For YOUR FUTURE.  Let's watch our finances grow and change. Tell all your friends, prosperity is in our grasp. Scrimping and not having enough is for the birds, we know better.  This is idea is not mine, I have to thank Ms.SparkWisdom from Youtube for this. (check her out, we all need a bit of extra encouragement and she is all about that.) I'm just doing my part and share the information. I want us all to win. Everyone deserves to have a little extra and have the means to splurge sometimes. You have to do the work though. You've got to save, or your nest egg won't grow. If you can't start now, start whenever you can. Along with saving more try keeping track of your spending. It's easier to see where your money is going if you physically write it down. Let this financial challenge be the first part of your plan on being a better version of yourself. Let this success spill over into your career, spiritual, romantic, and whatever other parts of life need a bit of revamping.  Be accountable for your successes and failures. Not just financially but in life. I promise it'll make you a better person. I can't wait to hear about it.

"If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting."
Benjamin Franklin

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