Thursday, October 17, 2013

Repost- 10 Wonderful Ways to Embarrass Yourself

The following comes directly from a great blog call All the Many Layers. It is chock full of inspiration, style, and flair. I just happened upon it, but trust I'll be visiting it often. This particular entry stood out because I'm always on  the search of being my best self and have realized that includes doing things I've never done. The journey to fulfillment and self-love doesn't have to be hard work all the time. Enjoy life and laugh. So I'm passing this on to you, in hopes that you learn to embarrass yourself wonderfully.

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”  | Eleanor Roosevelt

1 – Confess. Declare your wildest dreams and your scariest nightmares. Admit what you’re ashamed of and what keeps you up at night. Talk about it, write about it; turn the emotion into creation. Get naked and do it often. Feel the sun warm your skin.

2 – Try something new. Don’t ignore your longings or play hard to get. Be a curiosity whore. If you like it, give it a chance. Say yes to yourself. Be easy. Give it up. If it’s good to you, if it opens you, come back for more.

3 – Be in love with something. Make love in public. Show off the stars in your eyes. Be a freaking genius at loving that thing. Love it without apology.  Wholeheartedly and passionately. Write love letters and share them with the whole world. Co-create with your love thing.

4 – Disagree. With conviction, without malice, in quiet or out loud. Believe in something. Love your differences. Carve yourself out. Dance all alone, with everyone watching.

5 – Admit you don’t know. Ask simple, basic questions. Be more concerned with understanding than being cool or all knowing. Humility is brilliance.

6 – Say What You’re Really Thinking. If it needs to be said, say it.   Expose the heart of the matter. Don't let nice become more important than real.  Claim the truth. Grab it by the balls.

7 – Disappoint someone. In order to be true to yourself. Make difficult decisions that teach you how to be your own advocate. Silence your "shoulds" and listen to your needs. Forget what you were taught. Be your own defiance.

8 – Make a mess.  Make a fool of yourself, a cluster of fumbles. Fall down, get dirty, get bruised. Let the world know that you are in the game and you won’t quit.

9 – Fall apart. Have a breakdown. Cry. Feel the burn. Let it cleanse you.
10 – Stand in the spotlight. Show all your colors.  Let them stare.